目前分類:藝術觀想 (11)

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潛舍樓主 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

現在的台北有莫內 (Monet),高雄有莫迪里亞尼 (Modigliani), 前面還有梵谷 (Van Gogh)、高更 (Gauguin),後面還有畢卡索 (Picasso), 總之台灣的藝術天空很巴黎。

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當別人在討論著花博時,我一直惦記著尚未看高更畫展,雖在世界各地美術館中看過不少他的畫,兩年前也讀過陳慧娟翻譯 Bradley Collins 所寫的“梵谷與高更”,但從未有機會看他的特展。我決定新年初一一大早成為北美館的 visitors之一,可惜我這個路癡開著車從南港出發,幾乎周遊台北半圈,除了見識到了湧入花博和行天宮的人潮外,卻因不知何處可停車而無功折返,過了幾天才“聰明”的搭捷運去。

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燃燒的靈魂 March 2010

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Chang Wam-Chuan and Lin Chin-Hsien

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Perhaps because I was extremely stressful for a long time, I was deeply moved when I stood in front of Rodin’s “The three shades”, a part of “The gates of hell”, in the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. I saw his sculptures of Balzac and Hugo here again. I was more interested in Camille’s status works, which revealed her sensation and obsession. 

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June, 2003

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Summer, 2009

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September, 1999

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Paris and its museums

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