
June, 2003

The Leopold Museum exhibited the paintings of Austrian artists in the 19th century. I guess Austrian paintings have not been received much attention because during this period French impressionists were overwhelmingly popular. However, I have been attracted by Scheele who was an exceptional artist in the early 20th century. His paintings had incredible impact and influence. His later works, especially portraits, expressed something odd, anxious, and erotic. This time I learned that he, as well as klimt, died of the epidemic of Spanish influenza in 1918. I also visited the Upper Belvedere, where many paintings of Austrian artists and a few pieces of French impressionists were exhibited. Klimt’s paintings were particularly highlighted, but I was not very interested.


August, 2008

    月餘前才因為在此轉機前往柏林而虛耗一日,今日又於清晨再度抵達,幸而發現Albertina美術館有印象派畫展及梵谷特展,因而乘地鐵前往市區。從莫內到畢卡索的展覽中包含百餘幅作品,涵蓋印象派以降的各個時期,甚至包含了立體派、野獸派及德國之表現主義畫作,雖無經典之作,不過我仍興味十足的觀賞,畢竟在等待轉機時刻,能有一印象派畫展可欣賞,已屬不易。另外,較難得的是梵谷特展。He showed his obsession with color, from still flowers to blossoming orchards, and from the glowing sun of Provence to the night sky of Arles. His brushstroke was transformed from fineness to heaviness as his mind. I believe he was highly diligent in his painting experiments. I am wondering whether his intensive work and obsession brought him mental crisis. 離開美術館再到熟悉的Stephans Platze,途經Hotel Sacher,但我無意品嚐據說甜膩至極的chocolate cake,稍晚在街角小店吃了一客亦在維也納的apple pie (Apfelstrudel) 作為午餐。



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