September, 1999
After the meeting in Barga, I went to Florence. I stayed in a small hotel, which was in a 14th-century building, and very close to the Gallery of Accademia. I went to visit this museum and its original David statue created by Micheangelo. Except for this statue, I could not remember anything I have seen. Till today, I still do not know how to appreciate the majority of Italian Renaissance art works. Exceptions only include only a few pieces of work by Leonardo da Vicin and Raphael. The famous Duomo, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, attracted many tourists, but I was not interested in anything related to religion. Although everyone should visit the Uffizi gallery, I still didn’t enjoy any of Italian religious paintings. However, one cannot miss the famous works of Botticelli, da Vinci, and Raphael. Tizian’s Venus of Urbino reminded me the Olympia by Manet, which is my most loved painting. Olympia expressed a part of spirit from her previous life.
August, 2008
佛羅倫斯雖是文藝復興的朝聖地,可惜我無法領略義大利的宗教藝術之美,亦無法對文藝復興產生任何激情,即使二度來到烏菲茲美術館 (Uffizi Gallery),也只是為了走過所有Botticelli、Da Vinci、Titian、Raphael的畫作面前,對我而言這便是文藝復興的全部了。既然來到Firenze便不能免俗的走進Santa Maria del Fiore教堂,以極微的捐獻換了小小的白燭,做了一個沒有神祉沒有目的的祈禱。
從未想到來到Firenze還能遇到印象派畫展,讓我的靈魂能在中古世紀的沉悶中甦醒,Palazzo Strozzi美術館是一個具有五百年歷史的建築,小巧但尚稱精緻。展覽實名為Painting Light:Monet、Renoir and Van Gogh,畫作來自德國Cologne Gorbound基金會的收藏,展覽是以educational的方式讓參觀者從中體會印象派畫家對光處理過程 (techniques of impressionists)。 從Sisley及 Pissarro以來的風景畫到後印象派的點描,還有Van Gogh 及Gauguin式放蕩不羈的色彩盡在畫布上展現出來。看罷展覽,我已迷惑於光分解與融合。