A cat stayed with us for 125 days
Mia joined us on September 30, 2007, and ran away right after the last Chinese New year holiday of 2008. She had stayed with us only for 125 days. Before that, she was a street cat and adopted by 明月. When I lost her, I felt extremely sorry to明月. I hereby wrote a few sentences to memorize her.
As I can remember she
was pigeonhearted and often hidden at the corner of the beds.
was waiting for me in the balcony when I came home.
meowed, purred and licked my hands when I petted her head.
turned her abdomen up and stretched out her four arms when she was satisfied.
put her hands over the eyes when sleeping.
quietly slept on my bed and accompanied me every night.
stood outside when I was in the bathroom.
enjoyed playing with an elastic band and chasing a tiny bug on the floor.
clawed sofa and licked her fur.
bagged for her tuna snack when I opened the refrigerator.
was curiously looking at the microwave when I put food in.
was adorable, marvelous and intelligent.
I could not forget her. (written in 2008)